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Top 5 des stablecoins qui suivent le cours de l’Euro

Les stablecoins sont un type de cryptomonnaies conçu pour suivre la valeur d’un autre actif, souvent issu du monde “rĂ©el”, tels que le Dollar amĂ©ricain, l’or, ou bien l’Euro. Voici un aperçu des cinq principaux stablecoins qui suivent le cours de l'euro: Euro Tether (EURT), EURC (EURC), EURA (EURA), Stasis Euro (EURS) et Celo Euro (CEUR).

Alors que le prix de la plupart des cryptomonnaies comme le Bitcoin, ou l’Ethereum fluctue, les stablecoins se rĂ©vĂšlent intĂ©ressants pour trader et opĂ©rer sur la blockchain sans sublir la volatilitĂ© des marchĂ©s.

Bien que la majoritĂ© des stablecoins suivent la valeur du Dollar amĂ©ricain — due Ă  la prĂ©dominance de l’USD dans le monde de la crypto, et plus gĂ©nĂ©ralement dans la finance — d’autres stablecoins se sont posĂ©s en alternative, notamment ceux qui suivent le cours de l’Euro.

Voici les 5 principaux stablecoins Euro ainsi que leur principales caractĂ©ristiques: Ă©metteur, type de stablecoin, capitalisation de marchĂ©, blockchain supportĂ©es, actifs en rĂ©serves, et leur disponibilitĂ© sur les plateformes d’échange de cryptomonnaies.


Type de stablecoin

Capitalisation de marché

Blockchain supportées

Actifs dans les réserves





41M €

- Avalanche - Ethereum - Solana - Stellar


- Coinbase - Uniswap - 1inch - HTX - Bitstamp




43M €

- Ethereum - Polygon - Algorand - XRP - XDC - Arbitrum - Gnosis


- Stasis app - Uniswap - 1inch - Curve

Euro Tether (EURT)



38M €

- Ethereum - Tron


- Bitget - Bitfinex - OKX - Kraken - - Uniswap - 1inch


Angle Protocol


18M €

- Ethereum - Polygon - Optimism - Base - Arbitrum - BNB - Celo - Avalanche - Linea - Gnosis

Bons du TrĂ©sor tokĂ©nisĂ©s (RWAs), Ethereum, Bitcoin et d’autres stablecoins Euros

- Mt Pelerin - Transak - Unblock - Uniswap - 1inch - Paraswap - Odos - Angle app

Celo Euro (CEUR)



9M €

- Celo

Jetons CELO

- - Uniswap - 1inch - Bitget -

EURT de Tether

L’entreprise amĂ©ricaine Tether, connue principalement pour son stablecoin Dollar USDT, Ă©met Ă©galement l'EURT, un stablecoin adossĂ© Ă  l'Euro. Avec des rĂ©serves fiat en Euros garantissant sa paritĂ© 1:1, l'EURT offre aux utilisateurs une option stable pour Ă©changer des actifs numĂ©riques sur la blockchain.

Il convient cependant de souligner que Tether a fait l'objet de controverses passĂ©es concernant la vĂ©rification de ses rĂ©serves. MalgrĂ© le fait que Tether demeure un des plus grands Ă©metteurs de stablecoin au monde, cela peut ĂȘtre un Ă©lĂ©ment Ă  prendre en compte pour les investisseurs.

EURC by Circle

Circle is a US-based company founded in 2013 by Jeremy Allaire. Circle issues the US Dollar stablecoin USDC. Coinbase, the renowned cryptocurrency exchange, is one of the main shareholders of Circle.

Circle launched EURC in June 2022. EURC is a stablecoin fully backed by Euros held in US bank accounts denominated in Euros. For each EURC stablecoin issued, there is 1 Euro in Circle's reserves.

EURC is exchangeable at a fixed rate of 1:1 against the euro, ensuring its stability. The EURC tokens represent liabilities, while the Euros held in Circle's bank accounts are the assets.

EURA by Angle

Angle is a decentralized finance (DeFi) protocol specialized in building resilient stablecoin infrastructures. Angle launched EURA (previously known as agEUR) in November 2021, making it a pioneer among Euro stablecoins.

EURA maintains a 1:1 parity with the Euro, secured by reserves in cryptocurrencies like tokenized bonds (real-world assets, aka RWAs), Ethereum, Bitcoin, and other Euro stablecoins. Its decentralized nature renders EURA a highly sought-after stablecoin within the decentralized finance (DeFi) community.

In addition to its stability, EURA provides users with the opportunity to generate passive income through its onchain Euro savings solution.

EURA is available on multiple blockchains: Ethereum, Polygon, Arbitrum, Optimism, Base, BNB, Celo, Avalanche, Linea, and Gnosis.

EURA is the most traded Euro stablecoin in the crypto market today, owing to its availability on over 10 blockchains, its robustness, and the passive yield it generates.

Angle also issues a Dollar stablecoin: USDA.

EURS by Stasis

Founded in 2018, Stasis is a tech company based in Malta that issues the EURS stablecoin. EURS is a digital Euro designed to mirror the price of the European currency.

EURS is backed by the value of the Euro and designed to offer a secure method for holding and transferring value, akin to the stability of the Euro as a currency. The token is fully guaranteed by a reserve of Euros, ensuring its value remains pegged to a 1:1 exchange rate with the Euro.

CEUR by Celo

The Celo blockchain provides a range of stablecoins backed by various assets, including fiat currencies and commodities.

The Celo project issues stablecoins tied to various currencies, including a Dollar stablecoin (cUSD), a stablecoin pegged to the Brazilian Real (CREAL), and a Euro stablecoin (CEUR).

CEUR is an algorithmic stablecoin, maintaining its parity with the Euro through a stability mechanism driven by algorithms.

To mint CEUR stablecoins, users are required to deposit an amount equivalent to 1 Euro in CELO tokens into the stablecoin reserve.

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